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Emergency Medical Devices

Emergency Medical Devices

About Emergency Medical Devices for Seniors

Emergency medical devices for seniors can save lives. Seniors that are home-bound, bedridden or suffer from debilitating medical conditions including heart and kidney disease, strokes and asthma have to rely on their own capabilities to get them through life. A number of these individuals must rely on rescue units that are either powered by manual effort or rely on automated machinery to provide assistance. Note that the emergency medical devices for seniors help prevent injuries and deaths in the home as well as ensure proper care when senior citizens cannot care for themselves. It is essential to arm them with the right medical devices that can assist them in an emergency.

Seniors are more likely than any other age group to experience an accidental injury or trauma. Medical devices provide a higher level of safety when caring for senior citizens who are at risk for fall-related injuries, broken bones, spinal cord injuries and other medical conditions. These devices may include back supports, slip resistant footwear, pillows, braces and splints. In addition, medical devices for seniors can help reduce the risk of infections by providing protection against bacteria found in beds, clothing and other surfaces that a senior may utilize.  Click this link: bluestarseniortech.com if you are looking for these devices.

The most common types of emergency medical devices for seniors include inhalers, syringes and nebulizers. Inhalers provide a method of delivering medication into the lungs without stimulating a patient's respiratory system. Syringes and nebulizers are devices that are used to deliver medication into the windpipe, which is the tube that carries blood from the lungs to the mouth. Most people who require emergency medical devices for seniors do so due to the ongoing damage caused by inhalation of drugs or other medications.

When it comes to nebulizers, it is a portable device that is used to deliver medication directly into a lung via the windpipe. There are two types of nebulizers available to choose from namely wet and dry nebulizers. Both dry and wet nebulizers are commonly used in emergency medical clinics and hospitals. The wet nebulizer is more commonly used as it is easier to use whereas the dry nebulizer is preferred in senior health facilities and homes.

Other emergency medical devices for seniors include the following: ECG monitors, which measure the heart rate of a patient and alert health care providers if there is an abnormal spike in the heartbeat. There are also Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR, machines. These machines are used to provide life-saving methods of cardio-resuscitation for cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest caused by factors such as shallow breathing, cardiac enlargement and abnormally slow heart rates. There are also automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, which are compact and have features such as automatic stimulation, ventilation and suction, which are used in cases where a patient may stop breathing or lose consciousness.

It is important to ensure that emergency medical devices for seniors are updated on a regular basis. Most devices are made to be adaptable to current and future needs. It is also important to conduct routine follow ups with medical personnel so that any changes can be noted and a prompt treatment initiated. Emergency medical devices for seniors are designed to make the lives of seniors much easier. By using these devices, they can live independently, but be mindful of their surroundings at all times.  To learn more about this discussion, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_device.

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